Running Errands, 20x16 oil |
I can't believe this winter! All this snow! In the past I've painted a few landscapes with snow, but this is my first cityscape with snow. I chose to paint the pretty town of Dundas, although snow makes everything look nice. The blanket of white hides everything below until a path is made. The sound of the tires on the road becomes muted, at least until the heat from the cars melts the snow and turns it to a dirty slush, (that's the part I don't like). My mind is starting to think about those beautiful warm days, when boots and warm jackets are a thing of the past; when the days are long, and all you have to worry about is ... sunscreen and mosquito repellent, (oh well, nothing is perfect). Looking outside, the snow has been falling all afternoon, I'm wondering will spring arrive by the calendar date, or does 'mother nature' have another plan. On the bright side, maybe I can get a few more snow paintings done before it all melts away.