Unplugged, 8x24 oil |
I had absolutely no idea what I was going to paint today. I started to play with this iron. One of the things I find interesting about it is the cloth covered wire, so, it made sense to make that the feature in the painting.
Here is an 'I remember when' story: This iron was my mom's way back when I was a kid. When I was about 14 years old I was ironing something with it. I noticed some of the wires were exposed, where the cord attaches to the iron at it's base. Well there must have been a loose connection and the wire sparked, the material of the ironing board caught on fire. I calmly unplugged the iron and stamped out the flame with it. When I was sure the fire was completely out I went upstairs to tell my parents that I think it's time to get a new iron, and told them what had happened. I have never ever, in my whole life, seen my father move so fast, as he ran downstairs to the basement, (despite my assurances that I took care of it). My mom got a new iron, and my dad replaced the wire of this old iron and kept it as a spare.