June 17, 2019


Asparagus, 12x18 oil

Asparagus, in season now!  

It doesn't matter where you live anymore, whether something is in season or not, most items are grown somewhere in the world and available at your local grocery store all year long.  I love when something is grown locally and in season, not only for the cost savings but for the freshness and taste, not to mention the smaller carbon footprint.  It makes me wonder what would actually be available at the grocery store in the dead of winter if we just relied on our local farms.  

June 05, 2019

Just Garlic

Just Garlic, 24x12 oil

I love garlic!  I cook with it all the time. and is an essential when I make guacamole.  I was inspired to paint the beautiful colours of these garlic heads but I had to paint them quickly, before they were needed in the kitchen.