January 29, 2013

Afternoon Light

Afternoon Light, 8x8 oil

Day 28, I painted what's sitting on my window sill. So far it's managed to stay alive, despite my neglect. Ivy is a bit more forgiving than most plants, (I'm guessing).
Two more paintings to go and the 30 day challenge is complete! So what shall I paint next...?


  1. This one is lovely, nice light and charming teacup.

  2. I just saw your work on Leslie's site; don't know what took me so long! Love your ivy and cup. Hasn't this been a great experience?

  3. I've enjoyed seeing your painting from the challenge. They are lovely.

  4. This challenge has certainly has been a great experience! I am so glad I decided to join it. I have definitely become more diligent about my painting routine.
